Are you ready to take your Senior

care agency to the next level?

Fill out the form below to apply for your FREE 1:1 Admissions Flow accelerator session.

This Quick Video reveals how you can accelerate your admissions flow online...

How Net Solutions Interactive Can Fill Your Calendar

With People Searching Online For Your Elder Care Agency In Your Area...

Now you can when you take advantage of our…

Admissions Flow

Accelerator Session!

This is a custom-tailored plan so you can generate more care inquiries, increase your census and billable hours. My team of trained health care strategists and I will do the following for you:

  • Build a client Keyword List. The list is based on your services, service area and search trends. We’ll use our state-of-the-art tools to find the most searched-for senior care keywords. And we’ll show you which keywords will drive the most traffic to your website. (Valued at $197.)
  • Run a Ranking Report. You’ll see exactly where your agency currently ranks online for those keywords… that… will bring in new clients. (Valued at $97.)
  • Review Your Website Optimization. You get a complete analysis and explanation of why your website is not ranking at the top of the search engines. More importantly, we’ll show you how to launch it to the top so your best prospects see it. (Valued at $97.)
  • Review Your Website Conversion . You’ll discover what might be turning website visitors off… and… how to turn them into incoming care assessment calls. (valued at $97.)
  • Your Local Internet Marketing Domination Plan. We will outline step-by-step how you can leverage the internet for more inquiries, clients and billable hours. This is not a “cookie-cutter” plan… but rather…


Net Solutions Interactive

Net Solutions Interactive is a premier senior care marketing agency serving elder care agencies internationally. With over 12 years of industry experience, we specialize in building high-value referral sources and increase your census via our clients on demand program.

As an experienced elder care marketing agency, we combine creative ideas with vast experience in search technologies to deliver measurable results for our clients. We will help you build a sustainable, meaningful relationship with your clients by engaging them with your service and brand.

We work hard to continuously improve our processes and the overall quality of work that we deliver. We consider every challenge as an opportunity and encourage everyone on our team to take action – including our clients – and to share ideas and provide feedback..

We look forward to helping you take your senior care agency to the next level!

A Specific Blueprint For

YOUR Senior Care Agency, YOUR Website

And YOUR Particular Service Area!

“The Plan” is valued at $197 and worth every penny. 
Would you like to get similar or possibly even greater results? Click the button now to schedule your strategy session now.

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(844) 862-4757